Guaranteed Karma

Stay in control with best-in-class risk management.
When you use our security system, KarmaPlus, you're making an investment in security for yourself and your customers. With threats escalating every day, you can't accord to compromise – and with Paytota, you won't.
Guaranteed Karma
Optimised Reviews
Optimised Reviews

Highlight the most important information to make manual reviews more effective and reliable.

Robust Insights
Robust Insights

See extensive analyses of fraud and dispute rates with Paytota's robust insights.

Custom Rules
Custom Rules

Set specific rules for flagging or blocking transactions that are suspicious.

Block and Allow Lists
Block and Allow Lists

All lists of trusted and blocked users will be synchronised.

Risk Threshold
Risk Threshold

Help to identify fraudsters in a particular timeframe depending on the volume/speed of the transactions.

Included Free
Included Free

Paytota's KarmaPlus is included with your online processing rate; there are no additional fees.

Sign up to Paytota in minutes!